River North Gateway and Fox River Shoreline Cleanup

Years ago, as you traveled along Routes 25 & 31 you were often rewarded with great views of the Fox River. Now, you wouldn’t even know the river is there because you can rarely can see it from the roads with all of the weeds, brush, and trees that covers the shores. It’s a shame because it really destroys the charm and beauty of the area. – Tom Anderson, native St. Charles resident and River Corridor Foundation Board member
With that sentiment in mind, Tom convinced his fellow members of the St. Charles Kiwanis club to embark on a multi-year task to clean up a section of Fox River bank by Route 31 in downtown St. Charles. Clearing the section from Boy Scout Island to the railroad bike bridge now allows for beautiful views of the Fox and Pottawatomie Park.

After cleaning up the shore, Kiwanis partnered with the City of St. Charles, St. Charles Park District, Downtown St. Charles Partnership, and River Corridor Foundation to build the River North Gateway in accordance with the River Corridor Master Plan. Stemming from the plan’s concept of constructing a signature river walk on both sides of the river that connects the four large parks that bookend the downtown area, the north gateway takes on special significance.
The space to the Northwest of the railroad/pedestrian bridge is a natural gateway to the downtown from the north. Enhancements to this gateway will provide appropriate first impressions to visitors entering the downtown/river corridor area. – Master Plan

Work included building stairs for pedestrians to the bike bridge, providing easy access to Pottawatomie Par and the east side of downtown. Beautiful landscaping, designed by U of I Extension Master Gardeners, and a waterfall bring beauty to the entrance and a bench offers a place to enjoy the vista across the Fox River to Pottawatomie Park.